Media information
We encompass a wide variety of clientele throughout the globe. As a result, we are open to all kinds of relevant inquiries. For information on ISA please download ISA Halal information trifold brochure
Primary Press Contact:
Mehnaz Afrin
Marketing Coordinator, ISA
Email: mafrin@isahalal.com
General Inbox: isa@isahalal.com
Phone: (319) 362-0480
Religious Advisor:
Tariq Igram
Director of Islamic Law (Shariah)
Tariq Igram's Biography
Press releases:

Halal Information:
We are your guide to the global Halal market. We provide Halal certification, as well as general knowledge regarding 'Halal.' Please read our ISA Halal information document
General Information
• In Islam, Halal is an Arabic term meaning “lawful or permissible” and not only encompasses food and drink, but all matters of daily life.
• ISA is the pioneer North American Halal certifier. Among the more historic Halal markets we are widely recognized in Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore where their governments monitor and control all food imports.
• We regularly attend global Halal conferences and are part of the World Halal Food Council.
• We pride ourselves on timely turnaround and overall attentive customer service to make the process simple and efficient.
• Application and certification processes are strealined and easy to follow and understand. Companies with well documented information and dedicated staff will find the ISA services standards and ISA team cooperative and ready to act. The entire Halal certification depends greatly on how quickly and accurately all information is supplied by the customer. In certain circusmstances ISA does offer expedited services depending on the situation and market conditions.
• ISA offers competitive pricing based on customer needs and types and numbers of products. Each situation can be unique and at ISA we stucture plans to ensure the biggest to the smallest enterprises are afforded the same opportunities to reach the Halal market.
More information:
• We certify the following categories of products:
o Beverage
o Chemicals
o Dairy/Cheese
o Finished Food Products
o Flavorings/Ingredients
o Fruits/Vegetables
o Grains/Nuts
o Meat/Protein
o Packing/Equipment
o Personal Care
o Pharmaceuticals/Nutraceuticals
• We certify companies all over the USA, Canada, Mexico and even overseas where no local certifier is available.
• The opposite of Halal is Haram, which means “unlawful, not permissible or prohibited, but we can sometimes offer alternate solutions for products that contain these items. The following categories are Haram:
o Alcohol – intoxicants and narcotic drugs
o Blood and blood by-products - blood is the circulatory cleansing fluid of the body and is not to be consumed
o Carnivorous animals, birds of prey, scavengers, and animals improperly slaughtered, sick or dying before slaughter
o Idolatry - any animals or poultry sacrificed for voodoo, witchcraft or practice that denies the existence of the Creator are not to be consumed.
o Swine and all pork by-products and/or their derivatives
o Foods contaminated with any of the above products or with "impurities” (in Arabic, "najis") from processing, such as manure, urine, rodent droppings, infectious fluids, or pus are considered Haram.
Halal Industry News
There's more going on in the Halal industry than you would imagine!
Community Services
ISA loves to give back to the community, we originally started as non-profit.