Baking Halal at Home
Many people have been delving into the world of home baking during the pandemic, inspired by popular baking shows as well as the newfound free time. Especially around the holidays, it’s fun to make cookies, cakes, bars, and more to share with friends and family. If you maintain a Halal diet, or you want to be able to share with others who do, home baking is a great option to ensure that your treats are suitable for everyone! Baking at home helps avoid many of the questions that arise when buying non-Halal certified baked goods at the store: Was this made on equipment shared with pork products? Does it contain lard, gelatin, flavorings, or other additives made from non-Halal animal sources? Is it flavored with alcohol?
Part of the benefit of baking at home is being able to use whole foods that are automatically Halal suitable in their natural inherent Halal state.Eggs, almonds, raisins, oats, and other similar ingredients are not likely to pose a problem. Minimally processed ingredients like flour, sugar, butter, cocoa powder, and peanut butter are probably acceptable, but not always.
For example, some white sugar is processed with bone char, a form of charcoal derived from cattle bones, to refine and whiten it. If the cattle were not Halal slaughtered, the sugar would not be Halal suitable.
Since it is a processing aid, not an ingredient, bone char won’t be listed on the ingredients list, making it difficult to determine the Halal status of the product.
Many modern manufacturers use activated charcoal and an ion-exchange resin system to produce sugar that is Halal suitable. Instead of guessing at the supermarket, check for a Halal seal. You can also look for organic or beet sugar, which don’t use bone char in processing. Or, consider unrefined, raw sugars which don’t require that processing step at all, such as Sugar in the Raw or things like dates, maple syrup, or agave. These richer, more complex flavors work well in many recipes!
If you can’t find a Halal version of these common baking staples, contact the company to ask about processing and ingredient segregation to determine if it is suitable or not – and let them know you’d like to see Halal certification from Islamic Services of America! Certain animal-based baking products definitely need Halal certification. For example, beef fat can be used to make pastry crust, and a wide variety of meats can be included in savory recipes like pot pies, rolls, or breads. Look for Halal seals on any meats you include in your baked goods.
Vanilla can be a slightly tricky ingredient. Some Muslims authorities are of the opinion that vanilla extract is permissible for use in baking, even though it has a high alcohol content. This is based on the fact that the alcohol is simply a means to convey a plant-based flavor that is in and of itself perfectly acceptable. It is also because it is never intended to cause intoxication, and because such small amounts are used that, after baking, the final product contains virtually no alcohol. Not everyone shares this view, and if you are not sure how your intended treat recipients feel, look for vanilla sugar flavoring packets, alcohol-free vanilla extract (this is usually imitation vanilla), or a whole vanilla bean. Especially if your recipe doesn’t require cooking (such as no-bake bars) or includes a large amount of vanilla extract, consider one of these alternative forms. This view would generally apply to other alcohol-based flavorings used in very small amounts, such as almond or mint. Again, find alternatives like fresh mint, almond paste, or peppermint candy when in doubt.
But note - steer clear of any other alcohol or any flavorings meant to give the flavor of alcohol, even if you or others are okay with vanilla extract. Rum and whiskey are the most commonly used in baking, but unlike vanilla extract, they are never acceptable. They are produced with the intention of causing intoxication, and even if it is an artificial flavor that doesn’t contain alcohol, Muslims would find it an objectionable flavor to imitate. Completely avoid anything like no-bake rum balls or bourbon caramel sauce. There are many other popular desserts that traditionally include alcohol, but can be made without it, such as tiramisu or black forest cake. For example, check out this alcohol-free tiramisu recipe by Muslimah blogger Amira! Other liqueurs can be replaced by juice or alcohol-free fruit syrups, or simply omitted from recipes.
More highly processed baking add-ins might need a Halal certification in order to be sure about their status. Things like chocolate chips, butterscotch chips, sprinkles, and other products might be Halal suitable, but could contain animal-derived flavorings, emulsifiers, or fats that require certification. Most home bakers are not using commercial bakery ingredients such as dough conditions, stabilizers, and emulsifiers that are sometimes made from pork or non-Halal animal sources. This simplifies the ingredient list substantially, but double check if you are using any specialty ingredients by looking for a Halal seal.
Now that you know the guidelines, bake away! Halal home baking will get easier and easier as you build up a stock of ingredients, find recipes you like, and identify trusted Halal products, like those certified by ISA.
picture credit: pixabay.com