Benefits of Halal Certification for Third Party Manufacturers (And How ISA Can Help)

Direct Halal certification service agreements with manufacturers provides greater traceability and verification of Halal certified facilities and the products they produce for themselves or produce for others under separate private label service contracts.

Third party manufacturers, also known as toll manufacturers or copackers, specialize in all types of consumable and non-consumable goods ranging the production of vitamin and supplements to meat/poultry, dairy, dried bulk and finished goods like cereal, baking ingredients, spices and general household electronics, clothing, electronics items and more.

Halal Food Verification by Scientists.

There is no limit to what these companies can produce according to product brand name owner specifications.  They can produce, package, repackage and/or, label custom and generic goods cheaper and more efficiently at a contractual rate which saves product idea owners from needing to plan, build, staff and manage facilities on their own.  These are the exact concepts and related needs that private label manufacturing companies serve.

Similarly third-party manufacturers, storage facilities and 3PL handlers (third party logistics companies) who manage the storage and movement of goods from production facilities, warehouses and cold storage facilities can and should be certified for the safe segregation and traceability of Halal certified products.  In fact, the storage, segregation and handling of raw materials from the beginning and of finished goods at the end of the production line must have full accountability and traceability.  How else can certified products maintain their integrity whether it be for Organic, non-GMO, Vegan, Kosher, Halal or other programs?  And without formal certification, there is no assurances for consumers who seek these specific certified products.

Halal beverage manufacturing plant.

The particular benefits of direct Halal certification for manufacturers with Islamic Services of America (ISA) include:

  • Provides direct hands-on guidance by and interaction with regarding Halal processes and the global Halal industry relating to technical, marketing and consumer perspectives and more
  • Maintains quality assurance and international Halal compliance requirements
  • Allows for future Halal product production under the manufacturer’s name
  • Allows for future Halal product production by the manufacturers for others under private label or brand formulas (contract / toll manufacturing)
  • Allows a degree of Halal certification pricing consideration for multiple products and additional facilities
  • Creates opportunities for referrals from within a Halal certifier’s database to other new or existing customers and companies seeking industry contract manufacturers
  • Free value-added business listing on our website home page with manufacturer logos and direct hot links to their websites.

Additionally, ISA certifies many Halal certified contract manufacturers across the USA and these third party copackers, packagers and contract / toll manufacturers can benefit from the great potential it creates to produce for multiple different companies needing their specialized production expertise with the additional specific capability of following Halal international standards and compliance requirements.

Halal branding is good branding.

Understanding the relationships between product and brand owners and the requirement for production facilities is less relevant for consumers but of considerable importance to those who seek Halal certification for their products.  And nothing is possible without the production side of things whether they are managed by the product companies themselves or outsourced to third parties.  Once again, third parties should understand the importance and value of being directly Halal certified by ISA to meet their needs, the needs of their clients and ultimately for the benefit of consumers who seek, purchase, consume and enjoy the Halal products.

Islamic Services of America (ISA) has been a globally recognized Halal certification body for decades and has a vast repertoire of clients in both the consumable and non-consumable product industries.

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