Jul 20, 2023
Halal pet food is becoming popular due to increasing demand from Muslim pet owners, concerns about animal welfare, and a growing interest in high-quality, ethically produced pet food. The global Muslim population is increasing, and many Muslim pet owners want to ensure that their pets consume Halal food.
Jul 13, 2023
Halal education is essential for Muslims to understand and practice their religious beliefs correctly. Technology has revolutionized the way we learn and has transformed Halal education, making it more accessible and convenient for Muslims globally. In this article, we explore how technology is revolutionizing Halal education.
Jul 6, 2023
Have you ever read the ingredients on your Halal food label packaging and come across an e-code? Although they may appear as just chemical code numbers for food, they actually represent much more. Some of these e-codes even represent controversial ingredients that some Halal certifiers may not approve for consumption.
Jun 29, 2023
To be eligible for certification the land used for organic farming must be free from prohibited substances for at least three years. Organic applicants should document the last date that the prohibited substances were applied to the land. It is possible for conventional and organic production to occur at the same farm but buffer zones are required if prohibited substances are used on adjacent parcels or on neighboring land.
Jun 22, 2023
There are not many well-known restaurant concepts in the USA that have Halal food on their menus. Access to Halal restaurants is an issue for many Muslims in America who live in small towns. Some have no options whatsoever, so when they travel to places like Dubai, they take full advantage of the gastronomical choices.
Jun 15, 2023
The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) recommended a large number of herbal foods such as dates, pomegranate, olives, figs, grapes, and black seeds. These foods not only provide nourishment to the body, but scientists have found that these superfoods have “a wide spectrum of their pharmacological actions which include antidiabetic, anticancer, immune modulator, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and hepatoprotective properties.”
Jun 8, 2023
More and more Muslim consumers are demanding both Halal and Organic products. Organic certification ensures that the product is produced in a safe and healthy environment from farm to fork. And Halal certification ensures that food is permissible for Muslims to consume.
Jun 1, 2023
With so much competition in the business sector across the globe, creating awareness for your Halal business may look challenging. But with some creativity and effort, it's possible to reach your target buyers and attract more new customers.
May 25, 2023
It will be simple to achieve greater financial stability if you consistently set aside a specific percentage of your income every month. Whether you want to save for a rainy day or plan a huge purchase, the key is to make saving a part of your financial routine throughout the year.
May 18, 2023
The global Halal Industry is fast becoming one of the largest industries in the world. Annually, industry experts take a break to look at the pace of growth in all sectors in the Halal industry. Notably, every market sector contributes to the growth of the global Halal economy.